
Management Dilemmas: Mapping Ethical and Professional Competencies

A uniquely designed residential programme offered to the working executives across India.

Session starts from 10 February, 2025

Session ends on 12 February, 2025


    Management Dilemmas: Mapping Ethical and Professional Competencies

    Available human resources, managerial or corporate, while increasing in number and quality, may not be fully competent to face the ethical and moral challenges of the current world of market turbulence. From a marketing viewpoint, market turbulence is basically a function of buyer-seller information asymmetry that causes, in turn, market risk and uncertainty, market chaos and ambiguity, all of which breed business and corporate fraud, corruption and bribery, deception and chicanery, racketeering and money-laundering. Consequently, recent decades have experienced many market and business failures, wanton downsizing and plant closings, massive labour retrenchment and displacement, unemployment and marginalization. These significant choices and strategies imply ethical dilemmas that we need to explore and resolve.


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    Against this background, this Program seeks to empower participants with certain definable, measurable and assessable managerial and executive competencies in critically important domains of 

    • Developing moral and ethical sensitivity to major stakeholder issues, national priorities and global concerns (such as human dignity, social progress, planetary ecology, and cosmic sustainability);
    • Given these priorities, how do we build ethical and moral competencies for identifying, defining, and resolving moral dilemma in today’s turbulent markets; 
    • Generating skills and capacities for ethical and moral intelligence and understanding, moral reasoning, and explanation;
    • Making moral judgment calls and their justification, based on the above;
    • Owning and appropriating corporate moral and social responsibility for the social externalities of one’s decisions and actions; 
    • Accepting moral and ethical responsibility for human dignity and rights violations, for poverty and marginalization of a third of global population, and for local and global ecology and cosmic sustainability.  


    Identifying, developing and mapping all these competencies will, in the long-run, ensure corporate profitability and growth, national unity and harmony and global peace and prosperity.  Hence, ethical and moral competence road-mapping is never final but an on-going lifelong quest that XLRI wishes to initiate. 

    We believe in customization and personalization of program design to map and respond to individual executive needs and aspirations. We empower participants to discern and determine their personal and organizational development needs and aspirations in terms of ethical, moral, spiritual and professional skills and competencies. 


    Participants will learn executive life skills of ethical, spiritual and personal competencies by:

    • Understanding and applying the Legal, Ethical, Moral, and Spiritual technique in market scanning and moral dilemma identification.
    • Identifying and defining, classifying and categorizing, specifying and resolving ethical and moral dilemma and the underlying market problems and complex issues in the current turbulent markets.
    • Building ethical and moral awareness, reasoning, judgment calls, and subsequent strategic actions in relation to one’s target market (upstream, midstream and downstream) value-chain problems and challenges. 
    • Undertaking a series of executive exercises and live-case analysis for developing the above skills; 
    • Learning via lectures, dialog and discussions, hand-outs and customized cases and exercises covering various ethical and moral concepts, constructs, models, strategies, theories and paradigms in relation to the above skills.  
    • Current and potential HR Managers, Executive Ethics Officers, Ethics Coordinators, and Ethics Counsellors. Additionally, professionals involved in HRM, CRM, SCM, ERM and VCM activities in private and public, profit and non-profit organizations.
    • Dilemmas as  driving growth and creativity in industry
    • Management dilemmas
    • Existential concerns
    • Core organizational competencies in relation to current market turbulence
    • Domain of market (upstream, midstream, and downstream) value-chain
    • Ethical and moral challenges, opportunities 
    • Persons as  source and resource
    • Recognising ethical dilemmas
    • Legal, ethical, moral and spiritual and organizational competencies
    • Personal and professional competences
    • Promoting Integrity, Transparency and Responsibility.

    10 – 12 February, 2025.          XLRI, Jamshedpur.


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    Before registering get to know a bit about your director


    Fr. Kuruvilla Pandikattu S.J

    MSc (Physics); MPhil (Phil); Phd (Phil); Phd (Theology)

    Dr Kuruvilla Pandikattu SJ (born 1957-) is Chair Professor of JRD Tata Foundation for Business Ethics at XLRI, Jamshedpur and was professor of Physics, Philosophy and Religion at Jnana Deepa, Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Pune, India. He has been actively involved in the dialogue between science and religion. Author/Editor of more than 45 books and 240 academic articles, Pandikattu is a Jesuit priest and his main topics of his research are: Ethics (incl. business and applied), anthropology, artificial intelligence, life-management and transhumanism. Email: kuru@kuru.in (personal) or kuru@xlri.ac.in (professional). Site: www.kuru.in. .


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    Management Development Programme