
Resilience and Integrity: Learning from Scars, Overcoming Regrets and Embracing Growth

A uniquely designed residential programme offered to the working executives across India.

Session starts from 02 Sept. 2024

Session ends on 06 Sept. 2024


    Resilience and Integrity: Learning from Scars, Overcoming Regrets and Embracing Growth

    In the program "Resilience and Integrity: Learning from Scars, Overcoming Regrets and Embracing Growth," we delve into the essential aspects of personal and professional development.


    Get to know what the programme is all about


     This program is structured to:

    • Deepen understanding of resilience as a dynamic process, exploring how managers can effectively adapt and thrive amidst challenges and changes in the business environment.
    • Foster a comprehensive grasp of integrity in leadership, emphasizing the importance of ethical decision-making, especially under pressure.
    • Offer practical tools and techniques for transforming past experiences, including setbacks and failures, into valuable lessons and opportunities for growth.
    • Provide strategies for building and maintaining a resilient mindset, focusing on emotional intelligence, stress management, and adaptability in various business scenarios.
    • Explore case studies and scenarios where integrity and resilience have been pivotal, offering actionable insights for participants.
    • Engage in interactive sessions that encourage self-reflection, allowing managers to identify personal areas for growth and development in resilience and integrity.

    This program is aimed at equipping managers with the skills and perspectives necessary to navigate their professional journey with resilience, learn from their experiences, and uphold integrity in all aspects of their leadership.


    Our methodology or pedagogy to this program includes:

    • Interactive workshops and discussions focusing on the concepts of resilience and integrity, and their practical application in professional contexts.
    • Analyzing real-world case studies that exemplify resilience in the face of adversity and the maintenance of integrity under challenging circumstances.
    • Practical exercises and role-playing scenarios to develop skills in bouncing back from setbacks and maintaining ethical standards in decision-making.
    • Utilizing psychological tools and frameworks to understand and enhance personal resilience and integrity.
    • Guided self-reflection sessions, enabling participants to assess their experiences, learn from past regrets, and set goals for personal growth.
    • Providing a resource library with materials on resilience, integrity, emotional intelligence, and ethical leadership for continued learning and development.
      • Mid to senior-level managers seeking to enhance their leadership skills in the face of challenges.
      • Professionals across various sectors who aspire to develop stronger resilience and maintain integrity in their decision-making processes.
      • Individuals in leadership roles looking to improve their ability to navigate professional setbacks and ethical dilemmas.
      • Team leaders and supervisors interested in fostering a resilient and ethically sound work culture within their organizations.
      • Understanding Resilience: Foundations and Key Concepts
      • The Ethical Leader: Upholding Integrity in Challenging Times
      • Overcoming Regrets: Learning and Growing from Past Mistakes
      • Building Resilient Teams: Strategies for Managers
      • Ethical Dilemmas and Decision-Making: Maintaining Integrity
      • Emotional Intelligence: Key to Resilient Leadership
      • Resilience in Crisis Management: Navigating Turbulent Situations
      • Transformational Leadership: Inspiring Growth and Change
      • Personal Growth: Resilience as a Lifelong Journey
      • Integrity in Corporate Culture: Embedding Ethical Values
      • Case Studies: Lessons from Resilient Leaders and Organizations
      • Integrating Resilience and Integrity into Personal Leadership Styles.



    02 – 06 September 2024. XLRI, Jamshedpur


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    Before registering get to know a bit about your director


    Fr. Kuruvilla Pandikattu S.J

    MSc (Physics); MPhil (Phil); Phd (Phil); Phd (Theology)

    Dr Kuruvilla Pandikattu SJ (born 1957-) is Chair Professor of JRD Tata Foundation for Business Ethics at XLRI, Jamshedpur and was professor of Physics, Philosophy and Religion at Jnana Deepa, Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Pune, India. He has been actively involved in the dialogue between science and religion. Author/Editor of more than 45 books and 240 academic articles, Pandikattu is a Jesuit priest and his main topics of his research are: Ethics (incl. business and applied), anthropology, artificial intelligence, life-management and transhumanism. Email: kuru@kuru.in (personal) or kuru@xlri.ac.in (professional). Site: www.kuru.in. .


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    Management Development Programme