
Strategic HR planning Mastery

A uniquely designed residential programme offered to the working executives across India.

Session starts from 21 Oct. 2024

Session ends on 24 Oct. 2024


    Strategic HR planning Mastery

    Welcome to the "Strategic HR Planning Mastery" program– a comprehensive four-day training designed to empower HR professionals with advanced skills in strategic HR planning and estimation techniques. In the fast-paced business landscape, effective HR planning is vital, and this program aims to equip participants with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate complexities and contribute strategically to organiza- tional success.


    Get to know what the programme is all about

    • Enhance participants’ understanding of strategic HR planning principles.
    • Provide in-depth training on estimation techniques for workforce forecasting.
    • Equip HR professionals with practical tools for talent acquisition and strategic decision-making.
    • Enable participants to develop and implement effective HR strategies aligned with organizational goals.

    The program will feature a mix of interactive workshops, case studies, practical exercises, and dedicated hands-on sessions on estimation techniques. Real-world scenarios and simulations will be incorporated, allowing participants to apply learned concepts in a hands-on environment. Facilitator/s will guide participants through the complexities of HR planning.



    Day 1: Foundations of Strategic HR Planning

    • Introduction to Strategic HR Planning
    • Environmental Analysis and Trend Identification
    • Legal and Ethical Considerations

    Day 2: Workforce Forecasting and Estimation Techniques (Part 1)

    • Estimation methodologies for workforce planning
    • Scenario-based forecasting exercises
    • Real-world case studies in estimation

    Day 3: Talent Acquisition and Estimation Techniques (Part 2)

    • Advanced recruitment strategies
    • Estimating talent needs for strategic growth
    • Onboarding and Retention Strategies

    Day 4: Implementing Effective HR Strategies and Continuous Improvement

    • Crafting and Implementing HR Strategic Plans
    • Change Management in HR
    • Evaluation, Metrics, and Continuous Improvement

    Day 1: Foundations of Women Leadership

    • Leadership theories and styles 
    • Breaking through systemic barriers
    • Building executive presence and gravitas

    Day 2: Strategic Leadership Development

    • Communication strategies and executive presence
    • Decision-making under uncertainty
    • Leading and managing organizational change

    Day 3: Emotional Intelligence and Inclusive Leadership

    • Negotiation and conflict resolution
    • Fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion
    • Leading with emotional intelligence

    Day 4: Building High-Performing Teams

    • Strategies for effective team leadership
    • Talent development and succession planning
    • Leading remote and virtual teams

    Day 5: Navigating Complex Leadership Challenges

    • Stakeholder management and influence
    • Creating a personal brand as a leader
    • Crafting a sustainable leadership legacy

    21 – 24 October, 2024.

    XLRI, Delhi


    Get your total course expenditure



    Before registering get to know a bit about your director


    Prof. Shameem S

    PhD (IIT Madras & DAAD Exchange - Technical University of Munich, Germany)

    Dr. Shameem S is currently an Associate Professor at XLRI Jamshedpur, specializing primarily in Human Resource Management (HRM) and Industrial Relations (IR), with a secondary focus on Organizational Behavior (OB). Her academic journey began with a solid foundation in HRM as she started her career as an HR Officer at National Oxygen Limited, where she gained valuable experience in HRM practices. Her educational journey culminated in a Ph.D. in Management, specializing in HRM, from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Chennai. During her doctoral studies, she achieved exceptional academic excellence, earning gold medals for her outstanding performance (University first rank holder) in both undergraduate and postgraduate studies, and her thesis received the `Best Thesis` award from the National Academy of Psychology (NAOP), reflecting her dedication and excellence. Transitioning to academia, Dr. Shameem S assumed faculty roles at the Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR) and the Great Lakes Institute of Management in Chennai. These academic experiences further fueled her passion for HRM and OB while broadening her perspectives on these subjects. Her academic pursuits extended globally with a Guest Scientist position at the University of Gottingen in Germany, where she gained valuable international exposure and insights into HRM practices abroad. In addition to her academic achievements, Dr. Shameem S has made substantial contributions to HRM and OB, presenting her research papers at international conferences and publishing her work in esteemed journals and recognized media outlets. Her extensive list of publications in reputed journals underscores her significant impact in the field. Furthermore, Dr. Shameem S is known for her strong analytical skills, using advanced methods to gain deep insights into workplace dynamics, consistently bringing fresh perspectives to the field. In summary, Dr. Shameem S is a distinguished academic with expertise in HRM, IR and OB, boasting an impressive academic record and pioneering contributions in workplace analytics. Her commitment to advancing knowledge and staying at the forefront of workplace research positions her as a promising researcher in her field.


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    Management Development Programme