
Venture creation and Design Thinking for Entrepreneurs

Venture creation and Design Thinking for Entrepreneurs

A uniquely designed residential programme offered to the working executives across India.

Session starts from 16 December 2024

Session ends on 17 December 2024


    Venture creation and Design Thinking for Entrepreneurs

    The entrepreneurial spirit has been the most significant development in recent econom- ic history. While entrepreneurial behavior is reshaping the business ecosystem, design thinking as an approach can accelerate in introducing innovations, commercializing new technologies, creating new jobs, and creating value by combining resources in exciting new ways. Design thinking has emerged as an important way for designers to draw on rich insights to enhance their products and services. However, design thinking is now beginning to influence how corporate managers go about strategic management, particularly how they bring customer data into their day-to-day planning. We call this integration of design thinking into the practice of strategic management ‘Design-led Strategy.’ In this program, we use design thinking as an ideology to help project managers solve complex problems in a highly user-centric way. This program will be useful for those interested in starting or working for an entrepreneurial venture to collaborate more effectively, solve complex challenges and overcome addiction to the status quo.


    Get to know what the programme is all about


    A mix of lectures, readings, games, and case study discussions. The sessions would be interactive, where attempts will be made to understand the theories and concepts through discussion of the readings and their application in real-life situations.


    This boot camp is helpful for anyone who dreamed of their start-up, for future project managers who must manage teams, for anyone who wants to create new products in an extremely efficient way, and for anyone who wants to develop amazing prototypes.


    Lean Start-Up: Understanding the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Recognizing Entrepreneurial Opportunity Using Design-Led Strategy Solving Complex Problems Using Design Thinking approach Managing Growth, Sourcing Capital, Scalability issues, and reasons For Failures connect with the customers And End-Users by targeting their actual requirements harvesting the venture.


    16 – 17 December 2024.           XLRI , Delhi


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    Before registering get to know a bit about your director


    Dr. Sakhhi Chhabra

    Is currently working as an Asst. Professor for Marketing at XLRI Delhi NCR. She is a Fellow from MDI- Gurgaon in the marketing area. She completed her MSc. Marketing from Manchester Business School, UK, and Bachelor in Commerce from Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University. She has previously worked as a regular faculty member at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Sambalpur, Odisha. She has also been a visiting faculty at IIM Rohtak and adjunct faculty at ICFAI Business School- Gurgaon. She has successfully published three Harvard case studies, book chapters, and research papers in renowned International and National Journals. She has presented her research work at various reputed conferences in India and abroad.


    Dr. Faisal Ahsan

    is currently working as an Assistant Professor of Strategic Management at the XLRI-Delhi/NCR campus. In the past, he has worked as a regular faculty at Indian Insti- tute of Management (IIM), Ranchi for two years. He has also been a visiting faculty at IIM Lucknow and IIM Indore. He is a Fellow of the Indian Institute of Management Luc- know. In addition to academics, he also has more than 10 years’ work experience in the automotive industry. He has been involved in multiple stages of product planning and new product development. He has also delivered talks on interface between industry and academia in top rated engineering colleges.


    For program related queries, contact

    Management Development Programme

    Navigating Organizational Nonsense: Tactics and Strategies

    Navigating Organizational Nonsense: Tactics and Strategies

    A uniquely designed residential programme offered to the working executives across India.

    Session starts from 11th Aug. 2024

    Session ends on 13th Aug. 2024


      Get to know what the programme is all about


      Session 1: Introduction to Organizational Nonsense

      * Understanding the concept of organizational nonsense

      * Identifying common forms of organizational nonsense

      * The impact of organizational nonsense on employees and overall business performance

      Session 2: The Art of Nonsense Detection

      * Tools and techniques for detecting organizational nonsense

      * Case studies: Nonsense in action

      * Strategies for navigating environments filled with organizational nonsense

      Session 3: Introduction to Toxic Leadership

      * Defining Toxic leadership

      * The characteristics of toxic leaders

      * The impact of toxic leadership on team morale and productivity

      Session 4: The Consequences of Toxicity in organizations

      * The measurable costs of toxicity in organizations

      * The immeasurable costs and personal toll of working under difficult leadership

      Session 5: Strategies for Dealing with Toxicity

      * Techniques for managing up and dealing with toxic leaders

      * Building resilience and protecting your sanity

      * Reverse toxicity: When to fight, when to adapt, and when to walk away

      Session 6: Creating a toxin-free Organizational Culture

      * Techniques for combating organizational nonsense and creating toxin-free cultures

      * The nature and role of procedures and policies in shaping toxin free culture

      Each session will include a mix of lectures, discussions, case studies, and practical exercises. The course will also provide resources for further reading and self-study.


      11th – 14th Aug 2024.            XLRI. Jamshedpur


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      Before registering get to know a bit about your Programme Director


      Dr. Shiva Kakkar

      Dr. Shiva Kakkar, a faculty member at XLRI School of Management, Jamshedpur, is a renowned expert in the field of Generative AI. He holds a PhD in Organizational Behavior from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, and his work focuses on the intersection of psychology and technology, particularly human-AI interaction. Dr. Kakkar has built multiple Generative AI use cases in learning and education, which are used as part of the Harvard National Preparedness Leadership Initiative programme for healthcare executives. He is also recognized for implementing the first institution-wide AI assessment policy in India. In addition to his academic and professional achievements, Dr. Kakkar is a rising LinkedIn influencer, sharing insights on the latest AI developments. His unique blend of academic rigor, industry insights, and forward-thinking approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of Generative AI and its applications.


      For program related queries, contact

      Management Development Programme

      Management Dilemmas: Mapping Ethical and Professional Competencies

      Management Dilemmas: Mapping Ethical and Professional Competencies

      A uniquely designed residential programme offered to the working executives across India.

      Session starts from 10 February, 2025

      Session ends on 12 February, 2025


        Management Dilemmas: Mapping Ethical and Professional Competencies

        Available human resources, managerial or corporate, while increasing in number and quality, may not be fully competent to face the ethical and moral challenges of the current world of market turbulence. From a marketing viewpoint, market turbulence is basically a function of buyer-seller information asymmetry that causes, in turn, market risk and uncertainty, market chaos and ambiguity, all of which breed business and corporate fraud, corruption and bribery, deception and chicanery, racketeering and money-laundering. Consequently, recent decades have experienced many market and business failures, wanton downsizing and plant closings, massive labour retrenchment and displacement, unemployment and marginalization. These significant choices and strategies imply ethical dilemmas that we need to explore and resolve.


        Get to know what the programme is all about


        Against this background, this Program seeks to empower participants with certain definable, measurable and assessable managerial and executive competencies in critically important domains of 

        • Developing moral and ethical sensitivity to major stakeholder issues, national priorities and global concerns (such as human dignity, social progress, planetary ecology, and cosmic sustainability);
        • Given these priorities, how do we build ethical and moral competencies for identifying, defining, and resolving moral dilemma in today’s turbulent markets; 
        • Generating skills and capacities for ethical and moral intelligence and understanding, moral reasoning, and explanation;
        • Making moral judgment calls and their justification, based on the above;
        • Owning and appropriating corporate moral and social responsibility for the social externalities of one’s decisions and actions; 
        • Accepting moral and ethical responsibility for human dignity and rights violations, for poverty and marginalization of a third of global population, and for local and global ecology and cosmic sustainability.  


        Identifying, developing and mapping all these competencies will, in the long-run, ensure corporate profitability and growth, national unity and harmony and global peace and prosperity.  Hence, ethical and moral competence road-mapping is never final but an on-going lifelong quest that XLRI wishes to initiate. 

        We believe in customization and personalization of program design to map and respond to individual executive needs and aspirations. We empower participants to discern and determine their personal and organizational development needs and aspirations in terms of ethical, moral, spiritual and professional skills and competencies. 


        Participants will learn executive life skills of ethical, spiritual and personal competencies by:

        • Understanding and applying the Legal, Ethical, Moral, and Spiritual technique in market scanning and moral dilemma identification.
        • Identifying and defining, classifying and categorizing, specifying and resolving ethical and moral dilemma and the underlying market problems and complex issues in the current turbulent markets.
        • Building ethical and moral awareness, reasoning, judgment calls, and subsequent strategic actions in relation to one’s target market (upstream, midstream and downstream) value-chain problems and challenges. 
        • Undertaking a series of executive exercises and live-case analysis for developing the above skills; 
        • Learning via lectures, dialog and discussions, hand-outs and customized cases and exercises covering various ethical and moral concepts, constructs, models, strategies, theories and paradigms in relation to the above skills.  
        • Current and potential HR Managers, Executive Ethics Officers, Ethics Coordinators, and Ethics Counsellors. Additionally, professionals involved in HRM, CRM, SCM, ERM and VCM activities in private and public, profit and non-profit organizations.
        • Dilemmas as  driving growth and creativity in industry
        • Management dilemmas
        • Existential concerns
        • Core organizational competencies in relation to current market turbulence
        • Domain of market (upstream, midstream, and downstream) value-chain
        • Ethical and moral challenges, opportunities 
        • Persons as  source and resource
        • Recognising ethical dilemmas
        • Legal, ethical, moral and spiritual and organizational competencies
        • Personal and professional competences
        • Promoting Integrity, Transparency and Responsibility.

        10 – 12 February, 2025.          XLRI, Jamshedpur.


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        Before registering get to know a bit about your director


        Fr. Kuruvilla Pandikattu S.J

        MSc (Physics); MPhil (Phil); Phd (Phil); Phd (Theology)

        Dr Kuruvilla Pandikattu SJ (born 1957-) is Chair Professor of JRD Tata Foundation for Business Ethics at XLRI, Jamshedpur and was professor of Physics, Philosophy and Religion at Jnana Deepa, Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Pune, India. He has been actively involved in the dialogue between science and religion. Author/Editor of more than 45 books and 240 academic articles, Pandikattu is a Jesuit priest and his main topics of his research are: Ethics (incl. business and applied), anthropology, artificial intelligence, life-management and transhumanism. Email: kuru@kuru.in (personal) or kuru@xlri.ac.in (professional). Site: www.kuru.in. .


        For program related queries, contact

        Management Development Programme

        Purpose-Driven Leaders and Profit-Making Companies

        Purpose-Driven Leaders and Profit-Making Companies

        A uniquely designed residential programme offered to the working executives across India.

        Session starts from 03 February 2025

        Session ends on 07 February 2025


          Purpose-Driven Leaders and Profit-Making Companies

          In the program "Purpose-Driven Leaders and Profit-Making Companies," we address the vital need for leaders who can navigate the complex ethical challenges of today's dynamic market environment.


          Get to know what the programme is all about


          This program aims to equip participants with:

          • Insight into aligning corporate strategies with ethical practices, ensuring that profit-making aligns with social responsibility.
          • Strategies for addressing the ethical dilemmas inherent in market competition and corporate decision-making.
          • Tools for fostering a culture of integrity and responsibility, focusing on stakeholder welfare and societal progress.
          • Skills to balance profitability with ethical considerations, addressing issues like economic disparity and environmental sustainability.

          This program emphasizes continuous development in ethical leadership, tailored to individual and organizational goals, fostering leaders who drive companies towards sustainable growth and societal well-being.


          In the “Purpose-Driven Leaders and Profit-Making Companies” program, participants will be empowered using our methodology which includes:

          • Interactive sessions to develop an understanding of ethical leadership in relation to market dynamics and profit-making strategies.
          • Engaging in case studies and interactive sessions that focus on ethical decision-making in complex market scenarios.
          • Utilizing tools and frameworks to align corporate objectives with societal and environmental responsibilities.
          • Implementing strategic exercises to enhance moral reasoning and ethical judgment skills in business contexts.
          • Facilitating discussions and workshops to explore the integration of purpose-driven leadership within profit-driven business models.
          • Providing resources and learning materials focused on ethical business practices, corporate social responsibility, and sustainable growth strategies.
            • Senior executives and leaders from diverse sectors who are looking to integrate ethical and sustainable practices into their business strategies.
            • Corporate decision-makers responsible for guiding their organizations through complex market environments while upholding ethical standards.
            • Business professionals seeking to enhance their leadership capabilities in ethical decision-making and corporate social responsibility.
            • Individuals aiming to develop a holistic understanding of how purpose-driven leadership can align with profit-making objectives.


          • Managers as leaders
          • Boss vs Leader
          • Moral growth and motivation
          • Inclusion and equity
          • Conflict management
          • Creativity, innovation and eccentricity
          • Conflict leading to progress
          • Brand and credibility
          • Leading by example
          • Lessons for growth for leaders and companies
          • Creation of wealth and values 
          • Meaning and musings
          • Rise and fall of corporations
          • Pleasure, power and purpose
          • Purpose as and beyond profit
          • Purpose driven company

           03 – 07 Feb. 2025.          XLRI, Jamshedpur


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          Before registering get to know a bit about your director


          Fr. Kuruvilla Pandikattu S.J

          MSc (Physics); MPhil (Phil); Phd (Phil); Phd (Theology)

          Dr Kuruvilla Pandikattu SJ (born 1957-) is Chair Professor of JRD Tata Foundation for Business Ethics at XLRI, Jamshedpur and was professor of Physics, Philosophy and Religion at Jnana Deepa, Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Pune, India. He has been actively involved in the dialogue between science and religion. Author/Editor of more than 45 books and 240 academic articles, Pandikattu is a Jesuit priest and his main topics of his research are: Ethics (incl. business and applied), anthropology, artificial intelligence, life-management and transhumanism. Email: kuru@kuru.in (personal) or kuru@xlri.ac.in (professional). Site: www.kuru.in. .


          For program related queries, contact

          Management Development Programme

          Resilience and Integrity: Learning from Scars, Overcoming Regrets and Embracing Growth

          Resilience and Integrity: Learning from Scars, Overcoming Regrets and Embracing Growth

          A uniquely designed residential programme offered to the working executives across India.

          Session starts from 02 Sept. 2024

          Session ends on 06 Sept. 2024


            Resilience and Integrity: Learning from Scars, Overcoming Regrets and Embracing Growth

            In the program "Resilience and Integrity: Learning from Scars, Overcoming Regrets and Embracing Growth," we delve into the essential aspects of personal and professional development.

            COURSE DETAILS

            Get to know what the programme is all about


             This program is structured to:

            • Deepen understanding of resilience as a dynamic process, exploring how managers can effectively adapt and thrive amidst challenges and changes in the business environment.
            • Foster a comprehensive grasp of integrity in leadership, emphasizing the importance of ethical decision-making, especially under pressure.
            • Offer practical tools and techniques for transforming past experiences, including setbacks and failures, into valuable lessons and opportunities for growth.
            • Provide strategies for building and maintaining a resilient mindset, focusing on emotional intelligence, stress management, and adaptability in various business scenarios.
            • Explore case studies and scenarios where integrity and resilience have been pivotal, offering actionable insights for participants.
            • Engage in interactive sessions that encourage self-reflection, allowing managers to identify personal areas for growth and development in resilience and integrity.

            This program is aimed at equipping managers with the skills and perspectives necessary to navigate their professional journey with resilience, learn from their experiences, and uphold integrity in all aspects of their leadership.


            Our methodology or pedagogy to this program includes:

            • Interactive workshops and discussions focusing on the concepts of resilience and integrity, and their practical application in professional contexts.
            • Analyzing real-world case studies that exemplify resilience in the face of adversity and the maintenance of integrity under challenging circumstances.
            • Practical exercises and role-playing scenarios to develop skills in bouncing back from setbacks and maintaining ethical standards in decision-making.
            • Utilizing psychological tools and frameworks to understand and enhance personal resilience and integrity.
            • Guided self-reflection sessions, enabling participants to assess their experiences, learn from past regrets, and set goals for personal growth.
            • Providing a resource library with materials on resilience, integrity, emotional intelligence, and ethical leadership for continued learning and development.
              • Mid to senior-level managers seeking to enhance their leadership skills in the face of challenges.
              • Professionals across various sectors who aspire to develop stronger resilience and maintain integrity in their decision-making processes.
              • Individuals in leadership roles looking to improve their ability to navigate professional setbacks and ethical dilemmas.
              • Team leaders and supervisors interested in fostering a resilient and ethically sound work culture within their organizations.
              • Understanding Resilience: Foundations and Key Concepts
              • The Ethical Leader: Upholding Integrity in Challenging Times
              • Overcoming Regrets: Learning and Growing from Past Mistakes
              • Building Resilient Teams: Strategies for Managers
              • Ethical Dilemmas and Decision-Making: Maintaining Integrity
              • Emotional Intelligence: Key to Resilient Leadership
              • Resilience in Crisis Management: Navigating Turbulent Situations
              • Transformational Leadership: Inspiring Growth and Change
              • Personal Growth: Resilience as a Lifelong Journey
              • Integrity in Corporate Culture: Embedding Ethical Values
              • Case Studies: Lessons from Resilient Leaders and Organizations
              • Integrating Resilience and Integrity into Personal Leadership Styles.



            02 – 06 September 2024. XLRI, Jamshedpur


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            Before registering get to know a bit about your director


            Fr. Kuruvilla Pandikattu S.J

            MSc (Physics); MPhil (Phil); Phd (Phil); Phd (Theology)

            Dr Kuruvilla Pandikattu SJ (born 1957-) is Chair Professor of JRD Tata Foundation for Business Ethics at XLRI, Jamshedpur and was professor of Physics, Philosophy and Religion at Jnana Deepa, Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Pune, India. He has been actively involved in the dialogue between science and religion. Author/Editor of more than 45 books and 240 academic articles, Pandikattu is a Jesuit priest and his main topics of his research are: Ethics (incl. business and applied), anthropology, artificial intelligence, life-management and transhumanism. Email: kuru@kuru.in (personal) or kuru@xlri.ac.in (professional). Site: www.kuru.in. .


            For program related queries, contact

            Management Development Programme

            Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Marketing: From Mindset to Action

            Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Marketing: From Mindset to Action

            A uniquely designed residential programme offered to the working executives across India.

            Session starts from 04 Sept. 2024

            Session ends on 05 Sept. 2024


              Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Marketing: From Mindset to Action

              With the semantic web gradually penetrating our lives, artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to transform many facets of our existence radically. Entertainment, education, healthcare, logistics, infrastructure, and manufacturing use high-end technology to create highly interactive and intensely immersive experiences. This two-day program would hone the skill sets required to learn applications of artificial intelligence technologies, which promise to change the marketing domain. With the rise of AI, marketers have become more powerful, and they can now make better decisions that bring more value to organizations. This program has been designed for practitioners, academicians, policymakers, and researchers to engage in conversations, co-learn, and co-create an ecosystem for better application of the technology. It will focus on amalgamating fundamental marketing knowledge with contemporary digital marketing practices in the industry.

              COURSE DETAILS

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              A mix of case study discussions, lectures, and hands-on exercises with data.


              Practitioners (Middle and Senior Managers) and Researchers working in the marketing area 


              Module 1: Augmented reality and virtual reality: Definition, Best practices, challenges, and opportunities.
              Module 2: Predictive Analytics using Machine Learning Techniques- Big ML
              Module 3: Role of Chatbots: Customer Acquisition and Retention using voice-activated Content
              Module 4: Creating Dashboards using AI-driven insights- Sisense.
              Module 5: Privacy Concerns and Cookie less future.


              04 – 05 September 2024.

              XLRI, Jamshedpur

              PROGRAM CHARGES

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              Before registering get to know a bit about your director


              Prof. Sakhhi Chhabra

              PhD (MDI Gurgaon), MSc. (Marketing), University of Manchester

              Prof. Sakhhi Chhabra is currently working as an Asst. Professor for Marketing at XLRI Delhi NCR. She is a Fellow from MDI- Gurgaon in the marketing area. She completed her MSc. Marketing from Manchester Business School, UK, and Bachelor in Commerce from Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University. She has previously worked as a regular faculty member at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Sambalpur, Odisha. She has also been a visiting faculty at IIM Rohtak and adjunct faculty at ICFAI Business School- Gurgaon. She has successfully published three Harvard case studies, book chapters, and research papers in renowned International and National Journals. She has presented her research work at various reputed conferences in India and abroad.


              For program related queries, contact

              Management Development Programme

              Unlocking Personal and Professional Values: A Journey into Personality Development

              Unlocking Personal and Professional Values: A Journey into Personality Development

              A uniquely designed residential programme offered to the working executives across India.

              Session starts from 21 Oct. 2024

              Session ends on 23 Oct. 2024

                ABOUT THE PROGRAMME

                Unlocking Personal and Professional Values: A Journey into Personality Development

                Welcome to a transformative three-day program designed exclusively for mid-level managers seeking to unlock their full potential in both personal and professional spheres. In an era of dynamic challenges, the ability to understand, nurture, and align personal values with professional growth is paramount. This program is crafted to provide a comprehensive exploration of personality development, offering insights and tools that empower managers to excel in their roles.

                COURSE DETAILS

                Get to know what the programme is all about

                • Uncover and understand personal values influencing professional conduct.
                • Enhance self-awareness for improved decision-making and leadership.
                • Develop strategies to align personal values with organizational goals.
                • Cultivate effective communication and interpersonal skills.
                • Foster a growth mindset for continuous personal and professional development.

                Engage in a blend of interactive workshops, case studies, group discussions, and experiential activities. Participants will embark on self-reflection exercises, personality assessments, and real-world simulations to bridge theory with practical application. Expert facilitators will guide discussions, ensuring a dynamic and participatory learning environment.


                Mid-level managers from diverse industries and backgrounds aspiring to elevate their leadership and management capabilities. This program is tailored for those committed to personal growth, enhanced self-awareness, and maximizing their impact within their organizations.

                PROGRAMME CONTENTS
                • Understanding Personal Values and Their Impact on Leadership
                • Self-Discovery: Unveiling Your Unique Personality Traits
                • Aligning Personal Values with Organizational Culture
                • Effective Communication Strategies for Leadership
                • Emotional Intelligence and Its Role in Professional Success
                • Building Resilience: Navigating Challenges with Grace
                • Goal Setting and Action Planning for Continuous Development

                21 – 23 October 2024.

                XLRI, Jamshedpur

                PROGRAM CHARGES

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                Before registering get to know a bit about your director


                Dr. Ayatakshee Sarkar

                Mphil, PhD (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai)

                Dr Ayatakshee Sarkar an accomplished expert in leadership and organizational development, brings a wealth of experience in guiding professionals toward unlocking their true potential. With a background in organisation behaviour, DR Ayatakshee Sarkar has successfully conducted numerous programs, blending academic insights with real-world application. Their dynamic and engaging approach ensures an enriching learning experience for all participants.


                For program related queries, contact

                Management Development Programme

                Agile HRM Mastery

                Agile HRM Mastery

                A uniquely designed residential programme offered to the working executives across India.

                Session starts from 02 December 2024

                Session ends on 05 December, 2024

                  ABOUT THE PROGRAMME

                  Agile HRM Mastery

                  Welcome to the "Agile HRM Mastery" program – a comprehensive four-day training designed to empower HR professionals with advanced skills in Agile HRM practices. This program aims to revolutionize HR strategies by infusing agility into every aspect of HR functions. Participants will gain practical insights and tools to lead Agile HRM transformations, fostering a culture of adaptability and continuous improvement.

                  COURSE DETAILS

                  Get to know what the programme is all about

                  • Provide an in-depth understanding of Agile HRM principles and practices.
                  • Equip HR professionals with advanced tools for implementing Agile HRM across HR functions.
                  • Cultivate a mindset of agility, collaboration, and adaptability within HR teams.
                  • Develop leadership skills for guiding organizations through Agile HRM transformations.

                  The program will leverage a simulation-based approach, integrating interactive workshops, case studies, group discussions, and experiential exercises. Participants will be immersed in dynamic simulations designed to replicate real-world HR scenarios, allowing for a hands-on and practical application of Agile HRM practices.

                  EXPECTED PARTICIPANT

                  This program is tailored for HR managers, business partners, and mid-to-senior level HR professionals eager to deepen their understanding of Agile HRM practices. Individuals seeking to lead Agile HRM transformations within their organizations and drive a culture of continuous improvement will benefit significantly.

                  PROGRAMME CONTENTS

                  Day 1: Agile HRM Fundamentals

                  • Introduction to Agile HRM: Core Principles and Frameworks
                  • Agile Recruitment and Onboarding Strategies
                  • Agile Performance Management practices

                  Day 2: Advanced Agile HRM Practices

                  • Design Thinking in HR: Innovations for Employee Experience
                  • Agile Learning and Development Strategies
                  • Agile HR Analytics: Data-Driven Decision Making

                  Day 3: Leading Agile HR Teams

                  • Developing Leadership Skills for Agile HRM
                  • Navigating Change and Uncertainty in HR
                  • Group Exercise: Crafting an Agile HRM Roadmap

                  Day 4: Implementation and Continuous Improvement

                  • Implementing Agile HRM Across HR Functions
                  • Case Studies: Successful Agile HRM Transformations
                  • Continuous Improvement Strategies in Agile HRM

                  02 – 05 August, 2024.

                  XLRI, Jamshedpur

                  PROGRAM CHARGES

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                  PROGRAMME DIRECTORS

                  Before registering get to know a bit about your director


                  Prof. Shameem S

                  PhD (IIT Madras & DAAD Exchange - Technical University of Munich, Germany)

                  Dr. Shameem S is currently an Associate Professor at XLRI Jamshedpur, specializing primarily in Human Resource Management (HRM) and Industrial Relations (IR), with a secondary focus on Organizational Behavior (OB). Her academic journey began with a solid foundation in HRM as she started her career as an HR Officer at National Oxygen Limited, where she gained valuable experience in HRM practices. Her educational journey culminated in a Ph.D. in Management, specializing in HRM, from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Chennai. During her doctoral studies, she achieved exceptional academic excellence, earning gold medals for her outstanding performance (University first rank holder) in both undergraduate and postgraduate studies, and her thesis received the `Best Thesis` award from the National Academy of Psychology (NAOP), reflecting her dedication and excellence. Transitioning to academia, Dr. Shameem S assumed faculty roles at the Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR) and the Great Lakes Institute of Management in Chennai. These academic experiences further fueled her passion for HRM and OB while broadening her perspectives on these subjects. Her academic pursuits extended globally with a Guest Scientist position at the University of Gottingen in Germany, where she gained valuable international exposure and insights into HRM practices abroad. In addition to her academic achievements, Dr. Shameem S has made substantial contributions to HRM and OB, presenting her research papers at international conferences and publishing her work in esteemed journals and recognized media outlets. Her extensive list of publications in reputed journals underscores her significant impact in the field. Furthermore, Dr. Shameem S is known for her strong analytical skills, using advanced methods to gain deep insights into workplace dynamics, consistently bringing fresh perspectives to the field. In summary, Dr. Shameem S is a distinguished academic with expertise in HRM, IR and OB, boasting an impressive academic record and pioneering contributions in workplace analytics. Her commitment to advancing knowledge and staying at the forefront of workplace research positions her as a promising researcher in her field.


                  For program related queries, contact

                  Management Development Programme

                  Strategic HR Planning Mastery

                  Strategic HR planning Mastery

                  A uniquely designed residential programme offered to the working executives across India.

                  Session starts from 21 Oct. 2024

                  Session ends on 24 Oct. 2024

                    ABOUT THE PROGRAMME

                    Strategic HR planning Mastery

                    Welcome to the "Strategic HR Planning Mastery" program– a comprehensive four-day training designed to empower HR professionals with advanced skills in strategic HR planning and estimation techniques. In the fast-paced business landscape, effective HR planning is vital, and this program aims to equip participants with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate complexities and contribute strategically to organiza- tional success.

                    COURSE DETAILS

                    Get to know what the programme is all about

                    • Enhance participants’ understanding of strategic HR planning principles.
                    • Provide in-depth training on estimation techniques for workforce forecasting.
                    • Equip HR professionals with practical tools for talent acquisition and strategic decision-making.
                    • Enable participants to develop and implement effective HR strategies aligned with organizational goals.

                    The program will feature a mix of interactive workshops, case studies, practical exercises, and dedicated hands-on sessions on estimation techniques. Real-world scenarios and simulations will be incorporated, allowing participants to apply learned concepts in a hands-on environment. Facilitator/s will guide participants through the complexities of HR planning.


                    EXPECTED PARTICIPANT

                    Day 1: Foundations of Strategic HR Planning

                    • Introduction to Strategic HR Planning
                    • Environmental Analysis and Trend Identification
                    • Legal and Ethical Considerations

                    Day 2: Workforce Forecasting and Estimation Techniques (Part 1)

                    • Estimation methodologies for workforce planning
                    • Scenario-based forecasting exercises
                    • Real-world case studies in estimation

                    Day 3: Talent Acquisition and Estimation Techniques (Part 2)

                    • Advanced recruitment strategies
                    • Estimating talent needs for strategic growth
                    • Onboarding and Retention Strategies

                    Day 4: Implementing Effective HR Strategies and Continuous Improvement

                    • Crafting and Implementing HR Strategic Plans
                    • Change Management in HR
                    • Evaluation, Metrics, and Continuous Improvement
                    PROGRAMME CONTENTS

                    Day 1: Foundations of Women Leadership

                    • Leadership theories and styles 
                    • Breaking through systemic barriers
                    • Building executive presence and gravitas

                    Day 2: Strategic Leadership Development

                    • Communication strategies and executive presence
                    • Decision-making under uncertainty
                    • Leading and managing organizational change

                    Day 3: Emotional Intelligence and Inclusive Leadership

                    • Negotiation and conflict resolution
                    • Fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion
                    • Leading with emotional intelligence

                    Day 4: Building High-Performing Teams

                    • Strategies for effective team leadership
                    • Talent development and succession planning
                    • Leading remote and virtual teams

                    Day 5: Navigating Complex Leadership Challenges

                    • Stakeholder management and influence
                    • Creating a personal brand as a leader
                    • Crafting a sustainable leadership legacy

                    21 – 24 October, 2024.

                    XLRI, Delhi

                    PROGRAM CHARGES

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                    PROGRAMME DIRECTORS

                    Before registering get to know a bit about your director


                    Prof. Shameem S

                    PhD (IIT Madras & DAAD Exchange - Technical University of Munich, Germany)

                    Dr. Shameem S is currently an Associate Professor at XLRI Jamshedpur, specializing primarily in Human Resource Management (HRM) and Industrial Relations (IR), with a secondary focus on Organizational Behavior (OB). Her academic journey began with a solid foundation in HRM as she started her career as an HR Officer at National Oxygen Limited, where she gained valuable experience in HRM practices. Her educational journey culminated in a Ph.D. in Management, specializing in HRM, from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Chennai. During her doctoral studies, she achieved exceptional academic excellence, earning gold medals for her outstanding performance (University first rank holder) in both undergraduate and postgraduate studies, and her thesis received the `Best Thesis` award from the National Academy of Psychology (NAOP), reflecting her dedication and excellence. Transitioning to academia, Dr. Shameem S assumed faculty roles at the Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR) and the Great Lakes Institute of Management in Chennai. These academic experiences further fueled her passion for HRM and OB while broadening her perspectives on these subjects. Her academic pursuits extended globally with a Guest Scientist position at the University of Gottingen in Germany, where she gained valuable international exposure and insights into HRM practices abroad. In addition to her academic achievements, Dr. Shameem S has made substantial contributions to HRM and OB, presenting her research papers at international conferences and publishing her work in esteemed journals and recognized media outlets. Her extensive list of publications in reputed journals underscores her significant impact in the field. Furthermore, Dr. Shameem S is known for her strong analytical skills, using advanced methods to gain deep insights into workplace dynamics, consistently bringing fresh perspectives to the field. In summary, Dr. Shameem S is a distinguished academic with expertise in HRM, IR and OB, boasting an impressive academic record and pioneering contributions in workplace analytics. Her commitment to advancing knowledge and staying at the forefront of workplace research positions her as a promising researcher in her field.

                    PROGRAM CONTACT DETAILS

                    For program related queries, contact

                    Management Development Programme

                    Corporate Financial Modeling using Excel

                    Corporate Financial Modeling using Excel

                    A uniquely designed residential programme offered to the working executives across India.

                    Session starts from 22 Oct. 2024

                    Session ends on 25 Oct. 2024

                      ABOUT THE PROGRAMME

                      Corporate Financial Modeling using Excel

                      Conventional Strategy is mostly about outperforming competitors and capturing a greater share of the existing market. However, these strategies are becoming susceptible to increasing competition in a globalized world. The traditional approach fails to consider disruptive innovations because industry boundaries are becoming fragile. Consequently, many successful companies of yesteryears are struggling to maintain their dominance. Hence, in this complex business environment companies are required to create a new market – also known as Blue Oceans. Challenge for aspiring managers is to sense and seize new growth opportunities by looking beyond existing customers.

                      COURSE DETAILS

                      Get to know what the programme is all about


                      This program is meticulously designed for executives eager to delve into the world of financial modeling using Microsoft Excel. Our objective is to equip you with a robust understanding and practical skills in constructing and interpreting financial models, ranging from foundational project financial models to comprehensive financial statement analysis and advanced valuation techniques. Through a blend of theoretical insights and hands-on exercises, you will emerge with the proficiency to apply these models in real-world scenarios, enhancing your decision-making abilities and elevating your professional standing in the financial sector.


                      The program will be offered primarily through a mixture of lectures and practice sessions. Participants are required to bring their own laptops to the class. 

                      Over the course of four days, participants will immerse themselves in the diverse aspects of Excel and corporate finance modeling. The initial one-and-a-half days, comprising six sessions, are dedicated to hands-on experience in constructing a project finance model. During this phase, participants will learn the essential principles and practices of crafting professional financial models, gaining insights into what to do and what to avoid. The latter half of the program, also spanning six sessions, focuses on developing an advanced model. Here, participants will forecast a company’s financial statements and engage in its valuation. A key feature of our program is the emphasis on experiential learning; participants will not receive any pre-made templates. Instead, they will develop both models from the ground up, ensuring a deep, practical understanding of the modeling process.

                      EXPECTED PARTICIPANT

                      Financial consultants, Security analysts, and Corporate finance managers in charge of valuation and project appraisal. 

                      PROGRAMME CONTENT
                      • Building an introductory Project Financial Model
                      • Softer aspects of model building
                      • Managing dates
                      • Managing likely delays in the construction
                      • Determination of Project IRR and Equity IRR
                      • Managing mid-year and year-end discounting
                      • Preparing an Integrated Financial Statements Model
                      • Balancing the Model
                      • Modeling Circularity in the Model (with and without the use of macros)
                      • Determining the enterprise value
                      • Managing circularity between value and cost of capital
                      • Preparing an executive summary containing football field charts, dynamic charts and valuation summary
                      • Sensitivity Analysis



                      22-25 October 2024.  XLRI , Jamshedpur

                      PROGRAM CHARGES

                      Get your total course expenditure


                      PROGRAMME DIRECTORS

                      Before registering get to know a bit about your director


                      Prof. Pitabas Mohanty

                      MA (Economics), Grad CWA, Fellow (IIM B), Fulbright Scholar at NYU-Stern.

                      With over 25 years of teaching expertise in investments and corporate finance, Professor Pitabas Mohanty brings rich academic and professional experiences. He served as a Visiting Scholar at New York University's Stern School of Business in 2009-2010. Prof. Mohanty is a fellow of the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, and a Cost Accountant. Instrumental in leading various training programs, his extensive teaching and training portfolio comprises companies in India and internationally, notably in Dubai, Qatar, and Kuwait, focusing on company valuation and financial modeling.

                      PROGRAM CONTACT DETAILS

                      For program related queries, contact

                      Management Development Programme